Saturday, June 5, 2010

Becoming a bathing beauty...

So…a few weeks ago I went to the beach with some friends. And, although I am usually very good about putting on my 30 SPF, I made a slight error of judgment. I fell asleep in the sun.

Yes, it was a poor and extremely painful mistake that I won’t be making again, but it also left me with the wonkiest tan line ever. The tankini I was wearing had a halter top, which I figured I would untie when I was sunbathing. And, I still had my shorts on because I hated the way my bottom looked in the bathing suit I found in the back of my closet. All making for some awesome tan lines. I hoped I could pull it off this season, but no…definitely not.

So, yesterday, I confronted a fear every woman (who doesn’t look like Beyoce) goes though. And it’s something I haven’t done in years.

Yesterday, I went bathing suit shopping.

Finding a bathing suit that is flattering but also stylish, for someone as overweight as I was, is like finding a winning lottery ticket on the ground. Miracles like that just don’t happen. I have had my fair share of what I like to refer to as “granny suits.” Big awkward boob cups, horrifying floral prints, weird fluttering skirts. (::shudder::) I always did the best I could but, nothing looked good on me. Ever.

Yesterday was different. It was thrilling actually. I tried on a few different styles and everything looked pretty decent, but nothing jumped out as fantastic. It was hard for me to choose because I constantly see the loose skin everywhere... especially on my thighs and gut. I was hiding in the dressing room when the sales person, Pat, (who I had bonded with over buying new bras…more to come on my shrinking boobs later) brought me in this black bathing suit.

It was a one piece, which turned me off immediately. But she handed me the bottom of a tankini and had me put it on over it. “This will look good…I swear” she says. Ok, crazy sales person. Sure thing. But when I came out of the dressing room and saw my mother’s face…I knew. Bingo. I found a bathing suit that that not only didn’t look bad. It actually looked good.

Really good.

So here it is. I could have bought a nice coach bag with the money I spent on it, but I figure…hey…how often does anyone find a bathing suit that makes them look (and feel) this fantastic?!?! Right?


  1. Reading your blog for the first time, and have breezed through weeks of your writing. love it. You look great in that suit. worth every penny! amazing story.
